Tuesday, December 12, 2006
What Kind Of Hair Does Rihanna Use?
Massacre prices
Oxus leather goods brand is celebrating its anniversary today ... even more important than the "impossible" they want to pay tribute to This perfect union between business and resource management in the all-Italian author and human resources, the man who designed the innovative promotional campaign is the estimated professional Hagen Roi ... a brand that has made a killing and now celebrating the launch that appeared most successful in the Italian squares with the impact of a bomb that far but never forgotten memory ... December 12, 1969 then immediately leads us to another historic day for the brand that is 28 May 1974 where he had an important launch that you have to wisdom and clarity of our Roi Hagen and certainly of his former friends who are now called Gucci, Laura Biagiotti, Luciano Soprani, Gianmarco Venturi in the past and also Valentino and Antonio Marras.

Sunday, December 10, 2006
How Much Does It Cost Fix Broken Capillaries
The Executioner is dead
"A large black cloud rises from the burning building. The President Allende died in his place . The military killed thousands of people around the Chile Civil Registry does not record the deaths, as there is no enough space, but General Tomas Opazo Santander said that the victims do not exceed 0.01 percent of the population and this is not a high social cost, and CIA Director William Colby, said in Washington that, thanks to the shootings, Chile is avoiding a civil war. Mrs. Pinochet declares that the tears of mothers will redeem the country.
occupies the power, all power, a junta of four members, trained in the School of the Americas in Panama. At the head is General Augusto Pinochet, a professor of Geopolitics. Martial music in the background sounds of explosions and machine guns: the emit radio announcements and proclamations that promise more blood, while the price of copper is multiplied for three, immediately on the world market ... "
(From" Memories of Fire "by Eduardo Galeano)

occupies the power, all power, a junta of four members, trained in the School of the Americas in Panama. At the head is General Augusto Pinochet, a professor of Geopolitics. Martial music in the background sounds of explosions and machine guns: the emit radio announcements and proclamations that promise more blood, while the price of copper is multiplied for three, immediately on the world market ... "
(From" Memories of Fire "by Eduardo Galeano)
1.Nessuno of you when he was little burned Whole nests with gasoline?
were rash acts that are done for pure taste and lack of tact, and then when you are ripe age incondizonatamente repented, a little ashamed of themselves ... you know how silly and unnecessary nastiness can take the children ...
2.Oggi the news of the death of the dictator unpunished, Augusto Pinochet, the White House said that "our thoughts go to all the victims and their families to this sad and difficult period that was the parenthesis of Bureau of Pinochet in Chile, "... for the series and have your face with your ass.
you Find him if you can link between point 1 and point 2
91enne The dictator dies today December 10, the international day of "human rights" as well as on the day 84 th birthday of the worthy wife ... we do not believe in the lottery as a form of "supply" of a democratic country ... but if someone wanted aprofittarne. ..
were rash acts that are done for pure taste and lack of tact, and then when you are ripe age incondizonatamente repented, a little ashamed of themselves ... you know how silly and unnecessary nastiness can take the children ...
2.Oggi the news of the death of the dictator unpunished, Augusto Pinochet, the White House said that "our thoughts go to all the victims and their families to this sad and difficult period that was the parenthesis of Bureau of Pinochet in Chile, "... for the series and have your face with your ass.
you Find him if you can link between point 1 and point 2
91enne The dictator dies today December 10, the international day of "human rights" as well as on the day 84 th birthday of the worthy wife ... we do not believe in the lottery as a form of "supply" of a democratic country ... but if someone wanted aprofittarne. ..
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Grecian Formula For Women?
Since the end of the regime at the beginning of the scheme The Devil Wears Prada
que cuosa facciuamo megliuo ... the rivoluziuone or regiuime
"Putin is good because it is communist!
okay because Putin is our ally! The Chechens
of shit that the first were of poor souls who were sent to the gulag by the "rogue" Stalin now they are all terrorists. "
groups fighting for human rights in Chechnya, including Amnesty International and the Society of Memorial Human Rights Centre (HRC) of Grozny, confirm that the Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya, murdered on October 7 last year, has often said, and that has always fought: Chechnya is now under a reign of terror, the same journalist called it the Caucasian republic, "a living hell on earth. "
The newsletter of the Council of Non Governmental Organisations (NGO Council) published Livechechnya.org will continue to review cases of arbitrary detention, violence, abductions and human rights abuses against the civilian population.
The NGO Council spoke of the so-called "special operations" carried on by government security forces: the armed groups forcibly entering the homes of civilians, kidnap people and hold them for a few days, many of these then disappear forever, those they are instead issued show signs of violence and torture.
As stated by a report by Human Rights Watch issued two weeks ago, the people illegally abducted and detained are often relatives or acquaintances of suspected Chechen terrorists which you try to extract information by force, others are ordinary civilians to which forced to admit the crimes they did not never committed. The Memorial Society
also reveals the discovery of mass graves and bodies (or what remains of them) with signs of torture, the bodies are often mutilated to make the bodies unrecognizable.
While human rights groups denounced the human rights violations and disappearances of civilians (according to the monitoring of the Memorial Society, which covers only 25-30% of the territory of Chechnya since 2002, were kidnapped in 1948 685 people were released, 189 killed, 1040 missing and 34 are still on trial), the pro-Russian Chechen Prime Minister Ramzan Kadyrov denies all charges on time justifying military operations to combat terrorism in Chechnya and Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that the war in Chechnya has been completed by continuing to make optimistic statements about his plan of "normalization."
Even the anti-terrorist operations in Russia, despite the killing of some members of separatist groups, but have not repressed the Chechen resistance. On the contrary, as reported in the British press agency Reuters, the continuing Russian military operations hate separatists and push the population even more moderate groups to take part in and support the armed insurgency.
fact continue the bombardment of the Russian army, especially in the south of Chechnya, where the mountains and the dense bush you think you can hide the terrorist groups.
news agency Reuters also shows the plight of Chechen society: 80% of the population is unemployed, the wounds of war affect the economy and daily life and political structures are affected by a high rate of corruption. During the war 100% of the industries and 80% of Chechen social structures were destroyed. Attempts to revive the economy have been blocked by fighting between Chechen rebels and government militias.
The Council shall also inform the NGO health concern in the country, especially regarding the rise in tuberculosis cases. The people died of the disease in the last ten months are in fact 228 (and these are just the official figures). The situation can become catastrophic if you think that there is still a working program to prevent the spread of the disease and doctors say that a patient under these conditions can infect 20 to 50 people.
The NGO Council also explains the worrying situation of Chechen refugees living in neighboring republics. The Russian government continues for years to ask the return of Chechen refugees. Currently in the territories adjacent to Chechnya, many refugees living in precarious circumstances: people often live without assistance and without services for basic needs, children often can not go to school because not accepted by local schools and adults are often deprived of the right to work. For more about the charities accuse The Russian government has cut funds for humanitarian aid, supply of electricity, gas and water in order to induce the refugees to forced return.
Those who choose to repatriate are housed in so-called TAC (Temporary Accommodation Centers) that were claimed by non-governmental organizations operating in the territory, I'm not a better solution.
E 'a few days ago the news reported on dell'NGO Council with respect to the cut-off of heating in the temporary shelters of Grozny. This involves, in addition to the normal discomfort, the risk of epidemics of diseases caused by the cold. In the TAC of Grozny there are about 2,000 people. Other news reported
dall'NGO Council is that concerning the abuse and threats suffered by the families of Chechen nationality residing in Astrakhan by the inhabitants of the area. The Chechen families living here in a veritable state of siege, receiving daily threats of physical violence and blackmail are instigated with the forced repatriation.
The numerous complaints to local authorities and even the letters sent directly to President Putin, in which he was invited to provide for their safety, went unanswered.
Among the human rights violations there is freedom of expression. According to the Memorial Society of the Chechen people are afraid to talk about the abduction and abuse. According to a survey in Grozny, 80% residents are not prepared to relate their experiences.
Moreover, as reported news agency Reuters, some human rights NGOs have been refused renewal of a permit to operate in Chechnya due to the entry into force of new legislation.
The Kremlin argues that the purpose of this law is to stop the terrorist groups that could benefit from the organizations as a cover, but the NGOs think this is just a new strategy to ban their work and censor information.
Even journalists and reporters are uncomfortable and often eliminated with the investigation into their deaths remain unsolved. The U.S. State Department says that in the last six years have been 13 journalists killed in Russia. With the murder of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya on October 7 last year in Chechnya and throughout the world we have lost another key speaker for the truth.
am a king and a dictator
que cuosa facciuamo megliuo ... the rivoluziuone or regiuime
"Putin is good because it is communist!
okay because Putin is our ally! The Chechens
of shit that the first were of poor souls who were sent to the gulag by the "rogue" Stalin now they are all terrorists. "
groups fighting for human rights in Chechnya, including Amnesty International and the Society of Memorial Human Rights Centre (HRC) of Grozny, confirm that the Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya, murdered on October 7 last year, has often said, and that has always fought: Chechnya is now under a reign of terror, the same journalist called it the Caucasian republic, "a living hell on earth. "
The newsletter of the Council of Non Governmental Organisations (NGO Council) published Livechechnya.org will continue to review cases of arbitrary detention, violence, abductions and human rights abuses against the civilian population.
The NGO Council spoke of the so-called "special operations" carried on by government security forces: the armed groups forcibly entering the homes of civilians, kidnap people and hold them for a few days, many of these then disappear forever, those they are instead issued show signs of violence and torture.
As stated by a report by Human Rights Watch issued two weeks ago, the people illegally abducted and detained are often relatives or acquaintances of suspected Chechen terrorists which you try to extract information by force, others are ordinary civilians to which forced to admit the crimes they did not never committed. The Memorial Society
also reveals the discovery of mass graves and bodies (or what remains of them) with signs of torture, the bodies are often mutilated to make the bodies unrecognizable.
While human rights groups denounced the human rights violations and disappearances of civilians (according to the monitoring of the Memorial Society, which covers only 25-30% of the territory of Chechnya since 2002, were kidnapped in 1948 685 people were released, 189 killed, 1040 missing and 34 are still on trial), the pro-Russian Chechen Prime Minister Ramzan Kadyrov denies all charges on time justifying military operations to combat terrorism in Chechnya and Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that the war in Chechnya has been completed by continuing to make optimistic statements about his plan of "normalization."
Even the anti-terrorist operations in Russia, despite the killing of some members of separatist groups, but have not repressed the Chechen resistance. On the contrary, as reported in the British press agency Reuters, the continuing Russian military operations hate separatists and push the population even more moderate groups to take part in and support the armed insurgency.
fact continue the bombardment of the Russian army, especially in the south of Chechnya, where the mountains and the dense bush you think you can hide the terrorist groups.
news agency Reuters also shows the plight of Chechen society: 80% of the population is unemployed, the wounds of war affect the economy and daily life and political structures are affected by a high rate of corruption. During the war 100% of the industries and 80% of Chechen social structures were destroyed. Attempts to revive the economy have been blocked by fighting between Chechen rebels and government militias.
The Council shall also inform the NGO health concern in the country, especially regarding the rise in tuberculosis cases. The people died of the disease in the last ten months are in fact 228 (and these are just the official figures). The situation can become catastrophic if you think that there is still a working program to prevent the spread of the disease and doctors say that a patient under these conditions can infect 20 to 50 people.
The NGO Council also explains the worrying situation of Chechen refugees living in neighboring republics. The Russian government continues for years to ask the return of Chechen refugees. Currently in the territories adjacent to Chechnya, many refugees living in precarious circumstances: people often live without assistance and without services for basic needs, children often can not go to school because not accepted by local schools and adults are often deprived of the right to work. For more about the charities accuse The Russian government has cut funds for humanitarian aid, supply of electricity, gas and water in order to induce the refugees to forced return.
Those who choose to repatriate are housed in so-called TAC (Temporary Accommodation Centers) that were claimed by non-governmental organizations operating in the territory, I'm not a better solution.
E 'a few days ago the news reported on dell'NGO Council with respect to the cut-off of heating in the temporary shelters of Grozny. This involves, in addition to the normal discomfort, the risk of epidemics of diseases caused by the cold. In the TAC of Grozny there are about 2,000 people. Other news reported
dall'NGO Council is that concerning the abuse and threats suffered by the families of Chechen nationality residing in Astrakhan by the inhabitants of the area. The Chechen families living here in a veritable state of siege, receiving daily threats of physical violence and blackmail are instigated with the forced repatriation.
The numerous complaints to local authorities and even the letters sent directly to President Putin, in which he was invited to provide for their safety, went unanswered.
Among the human rights violations there is freedom of expression. According to the Memorial Society of the Chechen people are afraid to talk about the abduction and abuse. According to a survey in Grozny, 80% residents are not prepared to relate their experiences.
Moreover, as reported news agency Reuters, some human rights NGOs have been refused renewal of a permit to operate in Chechnya due to the entry into force of new legislation.
The Kremlin argues that the purpose of this law is to stop the terrorist groups that could benefit from the organizations as a cover, but the NGOs think this is just a new strategy to ban their work and censor information.
Even journalists and reporters are uncomfortable and often eliminated with the investigation into their deaths remain unsolved. The U.S. State Department says that in the last six years have been 13 journalists killed in Russia. With the murder of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya on October 7 last year in Chechnya and throughout the world we have lost another key speaker for the truth.
am a king and a dictator
Friday, December 1, 2006
Yg Entertainment Audition Requirements
If you count the leaves of those gardens
if you count all the big fish and small
in that river that runs in front of you
and if you count all the birds in time
migration from North to South and from South to North
then I promise you I'll count my country
the martyrs of Kurdistan
The German shepherd Babucci takes off her red and into the Blue Mosque
smiles, shakes their hands. ..
Pastor Germany welcomed back home from Europe as the reconciler
A great man a great personality, a great pope
Finally, Turkey can join Europe
and the Kurdish people can get out of the definitive history!
"I think this vulgar satire hiding a bit of cowardice: it targets a man who can not defend the very nature of his mission. Of course, the rights are out of the question of satire, but satire has also duties that meet with the citizens' right to be respected in the deepest feelings. I wonder if today we need a satire that offends the country. It suffers from the feeling of democracy. "
-Leave her alone where is
-Democracy-In a 'different world without you-
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Interdental Brush Dentist
The end of a myth
Elvis Presley was killed by a huge sandwich.
years ate like two elephants asiatici.Il his intestine was always occluso.Tutto this because the abuse of drugs and psychotropic drugs had caused hypothalamic degeneration that prevented him from feeling sazio.Mangiava until collasso.Mangiò literally to bursting.
The man in the "street" does not use fine words and no complex reasoning, the man on the street is limited to observing the world around him and tries to draw satisfactory conclusions for himself and those around him, when not These are large pachyderms bombs.
The man in the street knows that in his country and his continent is now being accelerated and irreversible change, has not yet figured out where it will lead and where its people.
But he realized that he likes and that's okay for now ...
Everyone knows that on December 3 will be a formality and that Chavez will win again in Venezuela, what might not know is that Ortega in Nicaragua and Correa in Ecuador would be added to this change and that Mexico would explode as it is exploding.
The man in the street decided to sit back and judge the facts of this change ... as it should be understood that the thing that everyone has known for years as the miracle economy neoliberalism was a big lie designed to fatten the same old cow (i) e.
The man in the street today has to understand that neo-liberalism in Latin America today `s more room, they had thought.
No more coups, no more than oligarchies, no more nepotism, no longer military, counter-no more, no more revolution, no more dictators ... raises a lot of dollars.
Simple ... but it did not work and who decided?
The layman thinks for a while ... read a lot of newspapers and a lot of documents of people, fuck, have a brain!
In Europe a lot of people thinks and writes ... writes of the radical left in power, a populist Friends neodittatori octogenarians, already legendary revolutionary, he wrote, at the tip of foil, the dangerous tendencies of democracy, writes of a sinister 'corrupt that there is not even there.
writes writes ... ... but the man in the street thinks and thinks better of it ... what has happened in Latin America in the last two years in Chile, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina, again in Brazil, Nicaragua, Ecuador and Venezuela in tomorrow again ... what has happened again ... NO not again, but again!
Was it the people to decide for the first time in Latin America?
The smiling man in the street ... and think.
Elvis Presley was killed by a huge sandwich.
years ate like two elephants asiatici.Il his intestine was always occluso.Tutto this because the abuse of drugs and psychotropic drugs had caused hypothalamic degeneration that prevented him from feeling sazio.Mangiava until collasso.Mangiò literally to bursting.
The man in the "street" does not use fine words and no complex reasoning, the man on the street is limited to observing the world around him and tries to draw satisfactory conclusions for himself and those around him, when not These are large pachyderms bombs.
The man in the street knows that in his country and his continent is now being accelerated and irreversible change, has not yet figured out where it will lead and where its people.
But he realized that he likes and that's okay for now ...
Everyone knows that on December 3 will be a formality and that Chavez will win again in Venezuela, what might not know is that Ortega in Nicaragua and Correa in Ecuador would be added to this change and that Mexico would explode as it is exploding.
The man in the street decided to sit back and judge the facts of this change ... as it should be understood that the thing that everyone has known for years as the miracle economy neoliberalism was a big lie designed to fatten the same old cow (i) e.
The man in the street today has to understand that neo-liberalism in Latin America today `s more room, they had thought.
No more coups, no more than oligarchies, no more nepotism, no longer military, counter-no more, no more revolution, no more dictators ... raises a lot of dollars.
Simple ... but it did not work and who decided?
The layman thinks for a while ... read a lot of newspapers and a lot of documents of people, fuck, have a brain!
In Europe a lot of people thinks and writes ... writes of the radical left in power, a populist Friends neodittatori octogenarians, already legendary revolutionary, he wrote, at the tip of foil, the dangerous tendencies of democracy, writes of a sinister 'corrupt that there is not even there.
writes writes ... ... but the man in the street thinks and thinks better of it ... what has happened in Latin America in the last two years in Chile, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina, again in Brazil, Nicaragua, Ecuador and Venezuela in tomorrow again ... what has happened again ... NO not again, but again!
Was it the people to decide for the first time in Latin America?
The smiling man in the street ... and think.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Belts For Uterus Prolapse
About the Section "Stuff that grease."
Trainini's friend Victor, the creator and driver of the late "Victims Association May 13 (yes, it happened in another life ...) when he invited his audience to read the" De Rerum Natura "of Lucretius because, precisely, degreased.
The spirit in which we propose here has remained unchanged, the tone of the contributions relaunched (for the moment video, but not only) but variable programmatically oriented administration, from time to time, some "red pill", to use a well- known metaphor.
That said, forgive us if we suggest the documentary "L'île aux fleurs" in Franzoso version: it is a short that has been around the world, but at the moment-perhaps for the rush to enter it here-we have not found, even in the vast depths of the network, a subtitled version. If anyone's knowledge, is invited to let us ... this will instantly change the url.
However, we recommend also to look at it. And 'quick and enlightening.
About the Section "Stuff that grease."
Trainini's friend Victor, the creator and driver of the late "Victims Association May 13 (yes, it happened in another life ...) when he invited his audience to read the" De Rerum Natura "of Lucretius because, precisely, degreased.
The spirit in which we propose here has remained unchanged, the tone of the contributions relaunched (for the moment video, but not only) but variable programmatically oriented administration, from time to time, some "red pill", to use a well- known metaphor.
That said, forgive us if we suggest the documentary "L'île aux fleurs" in Franzoso version: it is a short that has been around the world, but at the moment-perhaps for the rush to enter it here-we have not found, even in the vast depths of the network, a subtitled version. If anyone's knowledge, is invited to let us ... this will instantly change the url.
However, we recommend also to look at it. And 'quick and enlightening.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
How To Repair An Ironning Board
because hundreds, thousands of people decide to adopt the same pesudonimo to share - not without conflict - the same reputation, signing / claiming political and cultural activities, performances, and theoretical writings of fiction, and in general works of 'wit?
What we owe the success of the name "the impossible" both on the World Wide Web in the real world, the streets of the city, publishing on paper, practically anywhere?
semiologists years, anthropologists, scholars of youth subcultures and their relationship with technology are wondering what exactly the characteristics of this elusive open community ... the community can be defined as one that looks like a fickle flow of information is clearly contradictory? For years, journalists
coin weird definitions, less apt than the other: "computer pirate", "cultural terrorists", "radical artists", etc..
years "the impossible" continue to displace the observers, and undermine any definition that arises directly from the practice of those who choose to adopt the name.
Among the many features of thought and action of "setting", perhaps the most perplexing is the fierce, violent criticism of the concept of 'individual', understood as a subject prince of bourgeois right ("selfish man" called him Karl Marx).
In the name of what this concept is continually sbertucciato, vilified, shorted, led to the paradox?
In certain phases of their project and felt that the "set" a liberal opposed to individualism collectivism from the Cultural Revolution, cemented by the cult of the Great Helmsman a non-existent, in others it seemed that criticism was made of all-in-dividuum only in the name of the single-divisibility of apology schizophrenia and lust, with clear echoes Deleuze-guattariani.
The truth is that we can not understand the "communitarianism" of the impossible without starting from the concept of "myth-making, creation myth.
Between XX and XXI century an unknown number of neurons without brains, without works of artists, activists, post-politicians, media-independent, disgusted by the obsolete techniques and communication strategies still in vogue at a building "movement" and a "scene" European so little to remember the vivid expressionist theater room, they decided to give himself metaphorically to the spot, wrapped in legend, betting the beautiful.
was not any need to bring together the Central Committee: it simply decided to use the potential of new media and their impact on the upcoming traditional ones, in order to launch a new "product" intangible goods, intangible: the myth of a common struggle to all tribes and communities of rioters.
This myth must fit into a scene of momentous upheavals, as defined by the ever more frequent ecocatastrofi, from the tumultuous end of bipolar world order, the emergence of so-called post-Fordist immaterial labor and by the extension of the Network
"construction of the myth"
be fluid like water, but on occasion hit hard as the shank of a boxer Thai.
My Crotch Smells Like Hair Dye
Waldganger The myth of the impossible: he who gives to the bush
The question that haunts me is if I kept what I promised.
With my rejection and my criticism I have no doubt promised qualcosa.Non are a politician, and keep your word does not mean for me to get some real advantages, yet they are haunted by the feeling of night and day still have not kept a promise more necessary and important than politicians.
At times I am tempted to sacrifice even the literature in order to keep that promise.
Maybe it is a reflection of "male pride", but there is no doubt that having lived quietly in these twenty-five years of democracy, drawing benefits in spite of my disapproval, hurts my soul a long time.
The question that haunts me is if I kept what I promised.
With my rejection and my criticism I have no doubt promised qualcosa.Non are a politician, and keep your word does not mean for me to get some real advantages, yet they are haunted by the feeling of night and day still have not kept a promise more necessary and important than politicians.
At times I am tempted to sacrifice even the literature in order to keep that promise.
Maybe it is a reflection of "male pride", but there is no doubt that having lived quietly in these twenty-five years of democracy, drawing benefits in spite of my disapproval, hurts my soul a long time.
Mishima Yukio
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