Among lifetime membership to crap, swaggering strut those that extract from his pocket, as Ace was a catch-all, multi-purpose adhesive label 's' anti-Americanism. " And you stick to him like a weapon improperly. As an ominous prologue to any discussion on any topic, concerning that country which is bordered to the north by Canada and south into Mexico. To avoid being branded by this stigma - as new buffalo prairie global - we must accept without a murmur of old-fashioned wars of aggression, colonial or military bases, the largest of the cities that host them.
all'armamentismo criticism of a government of "left" who decides to buy 133 new warplanes to the U.S. - in acrobatic symbiosis with the "right" - would be an expression of ancient "anti-Americanism." Even say that the "States" have the world record low of obesity is a manifestation of stubborn "anti-American" culture. Forgiveness with Cuba in the baseball world? Non-sports news, but "antamericanismo." New subscribers to crap, I mean those of the lever post-Berlin Wall fell, as all newcomers are more pathetic. They exhibit a purity of fact, and pretend to ignore the obvious difference between a government and its citizens. In the language of their heads thrown to the winds and was said to the masses, and elites in Washington and popolo.Governo American voters are not the perfect equation, are not the same thing. It 's the real difference between representatives and represented, to the benefit of the latter, even in Italy. Opponents of the senile late imperial ambitions of Blair, not anti-British and even fewer could be anti-European. Who fought against the Nazis, or against the use of chemical weapons during the conquest of Libya, but was not anti-European anti-Nazi and antifascista.E 'humanly impossible to be "anti-American" for the simple reason that identify a nation with a whole continent crime-an act of ignorance. To use a fashionable term, it is a denial with which they wants to erase the past and the present of the America continent, the genocide of native Amerindian populations and the massive importation of slaves from Africa. The usurpation of the name of the continent was the first act of totalitarian founders of the United States, revealing their vocation expansionist, fundamentalist inscribed in the genetic code of the "manifest destiny". The Brazilians, Mexicans, Paraguayans, Ecuadorians, Colombians, Guyanese, Dominicans, Guadalupe, etc.. etc.. are Americans but they have nothing to do with the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.NĂ© with the war against Vietnam, the invasion of Iraq, the bombing of Panama City, or the home of torture Guantanamo. Please! Continue to call "Americans" the inhabitants of the territories over which flies the flag with the star struck is a sign of subjection dated, a mentality that plays after '45, from shoeshine boys-and-segnorine. Neorealist, but European still protectorate. And 'the uncritical acceptance by the losers, the categories and values \u200b\u200bof the winners. And so it still interpret the current tenants of the UK and the International House Bianca.Alla open letter to the Foreign Ministry and pressing to extract additional shipments of foot soldiers in Afghanistan - we owe it to you because we released! - Was in timidly answered diplomatichese. Arrogance of those who feel the proprietor of an unquenchable and eternal credit, has not been replicated with a "no, we have already given." Military slavery, land bases, underground and underwater pipelines, nuclear and otherwise. All governments that have succeeded so far in Rome, have zealously concealed the legal regime in which the foundations are under concession. Voluntary servitude or other charges included in Italy by the peace treaties dear "allies"? Is there an expiration date? At 62 years after the war the Italians have a right to know, whether or not "anti-Americanism." Moreover, the contribution to the construction of a multipolar world secure your pass through the growth of autonomy European Union. The EU can not simply spurious identity of a meta-c ara neoliberal state bankers and technocrats - to-market currency. It is enough. It 'a race to the precipice in order to eradicate the particularities of its social system and forced to become the Siamese twin of the United States. European pole is essential to a coherent foreign policy and its own system of self-defense. Since neo-liberalism on the left do not have to wait for the impossible, because his original identity has remained buried in Pompeii's modern transformation. Europeista.Fino is at least as the pace of enlargement to the east will be dictated and regulated by NATO, the European Union is like a bird with lead in the wing, and can only fly low. The rest will take care of the unqualified principle of unanimity, which is valid when the members were six states, founder and substantially equivalent. Impractical today, with 26 members, Lithuania and Cyprus, where they have the same decision-making power in Germany. So Washington has several valvassini, in the Baltic or in the Carpathians, with which to veto and block the geopolitical autonomy europea.L 'current government, however, foraging in many other parraggi, showing an Atlanticist traditionalist, across the board. We are more or less at the time of De Gasperi, Scelba, Fanfani and Saragat. The Conference on Security of Monaco, the Italian Minister of Defence went down flat. The "doctrine Parisi, thereby providing an Atlanticist ultras, goes to establish a new and surprising equivalence between the United Nations, NATO and the EU. In essence, it is lawful any military aggression or invasion, as long as it was planned by NATO, Brussels or-very blessed in the alternative - ratified by the UN. Sciorinare The dark intentions in public by Parisi, who radicalized the complicity Creates the time of 'aggession to Yugoslavia, they obtained a replica of the dry Russia. Europe, much to the delight of the U.S., he war against itself, giving birth to the new NATO. "Maybe I did not understand well - said Putin - or the minister Italian came out incorrectly. I understand that the use of force is legitimate if so agreed by NATO, the EU or the UN. If this is indeed the case, we think differently. We do not need to replace the UN with NATO or the European Union. "Unfortunately, Palmer was well expressed, and helps us to understand that the granting of the city of Vicenza to the armed forces of the United States is not an accident. It combines the rut to contribute generously to that 47% of Gross Domestic Product of the USA made the export of weapons technology. Enshrines the vision of an Italy subordinate, servile and incapable of giving - as in the past - a contribution European building material. Neo-liberalism on the left and connivance with the United States, including one led by neoconservative fascism. They make faces at those who dare to speak of anti-imperialism, but did not change when the White House dreaming with open eyes the empire, and raved about the "new Rome, in the transition from Republic to Empire." Prodi sees Europe as minority member of a duopoly that would dictate the raw materials to the South. And enforce it with the stick NATO.E 'the drama of an oligarchy that is not aware of the potential and of the historical tasks of the block that unfortunately runs. Lingers on the nonsense propaganda "anti-Americanism" raises ghosts of lead, aging television studios, but ignores Z. Brzenzinsky and his theorem. The hegemony of the United States will ensure the permanent separation of the peninsula from the western European land mass eurasiatica.L 'U.S. hegemony is guaranteed by the permanent separation of the peninsula from the western European land mass of Eurasia. The small Ecuador "populist", meanwhile, has the power to evict the only U.S. base within its territory. Not to be "anti-American" enough to know a minimum of geography. To be at least Europeans, are inadequate and poses a modernist vocabulary of purified sense of social and geopolitical perspective.
Tito Pulsinelli