A is the correct answer ... or at least does not serve its original purpose.
Without the aegis of the UN could not take decisions which make wars to other countries or other countries decide to impose sanctions independently, and in fact for obvious reasons of power, "thank you" to Russia and China and Indonesia are unable even to take action symbolic of condemnation against the military in Myanmar.
But when the word is to leave the sheriff here ... everyone listen and accept the opinions prone, he does the war itself, justifies economic blocs, violates human rights on several occasions and forcing its people to follow him in his delirium and all is well, call bloodthirsty dictators presidents elected by their people without electoral fraud, in short, the history we know we have the tools to know, but ...
History is made by the powerful, and then it only matters what he says Bush does not care if Cuba is indignant (not even the right of reply by now grants), the Venezuela with Chavez even disgusted now deserted and a small indigenous president of Bolivia suggests that the 'UN moves from New York to another location, perhaps hoping that by changing air changes also the wind ...
Statement of the President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega Saveedra the United Nations:
"Good evening, dear representatives of populations that make up this United Nations.
I want to start remembering the millions of human victims of policies of colonialism and neocolonialism, the victims of the Holocaust, the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, apartheid, slavery, wars of occupation of Vietnam, Afghanistan, Dominican Republic, Grenada , Panama and Nicaragua.
The victims of this era and noble Cuban people, who suffered all kinds of aggression and a brutal and inhumane embargo. The five heroes, prisoners of the empire, for fighting against terrorism.
I want to remember the victims of the World Trade Center, the millions of men and women who have been and continue to be victims of the genocide produced by global capitalism.
victims of discrimination and Apartheid caused by those who deny them entry in developed countries. I want to remind people that in Latin America seek to enter the United States and those in Africa and Asia seeking to enter the European nations.
I also want to remember and bring our solidarity with the victims of natural disasters, at the same time are also victims of the imperialist policies of global capitalism, which, with its idea of \u200b\u200bdevelopment continues to cause destruction, death and poverty, being converted into as aggressor Mother Earth was destroyed today from this imperial avarice of capitalism.
I want to remember the victims of recent natural phenomena, triggered by this imperialist plunder of global capitalism, the victims of Hurricane Katrina, the victims of the earthquake in Peru, the flood victims in Africa. The victims of the original peoples of the Miskito people, mayagna, victims of Hurricane Felix in Central American land, Latin America and the Caribbean, in the land of Sandino and Rubén Darío. Our brothers and mayagna Miskito peoples, who are granted autonomy in 1987 and now participate in a process which will be recognized in their full rights under the Law of Autonomy, they asked me to deliver a document signed today by leaders populations Miskitos, mayagnas, peoples Afro, victims of Hurricane Felix.
I want to start remembering the millions of human victims of policies of colonialism and neocolonialism, the victims of the Holocaust, the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, apartheid, slavery, wars of occupation of Vietnam, Afghanistan, Dominican Republic, Grenada , Panama and Nicaragua.
The victims of this era and noble Cuban people, who suffered all kinds of aggression and a brutal and inhumane embargo. The five heroes, prisoners of the empire, for fighting against terrorism.
I want to remember the victims of the World Trade Center, the millions of men and women who have been and continue to be victims of the genocide produced by global capitalism.
victims of discrimination and Apartheid caused by those who deny them entry in developed countries. I want to remind people that in Latin America seek to enter the United States and those in Africa and Asia seeking to enter the European nations.
I also want to remember and bring our solidarity with the victims of natural disasters, at the same time are also victims of the imperialist policies of global capitalism, which, with its idea of \u200b\u200bdevelopment continues to cause destruction, death and poverty, being converted into as aggressor Mother Earth was destroyed today from this imperial avarice of capitalism.
I want to remember the victims of recent natural phenomena, triggered by this imperialist plunder of global capitalism, the victims of Hurricane Katrina, the victims of the earthquake in Peru, the flood victims in Africa. The victims of the original peoples of the Miskito people, mayagna, victims of Hurricane Felix in Central American land, Latin America and the Caribbean, in the land of Sandino and Rubén Darío. Our brothers and mayagna Miskito peoples, who are granted autonomy in 1987 and now participate in a process which will be recognized in their full rights under the Law of Autonomy, they asked me to deliver a document signed today by leaders populations Miskitos, mayagnas, peoples Afro, victims of Hurricane Felix.
18 years ago I had the opportunity to direct me to the General Assembly of the UN and I remember perfectly what were the speeches, messages, positions. It's been 18 years and thanks to the people's struggle of Sandino, I'm new here.
This morning, when the House was beginning, I listened carefully to the words of the second speaker (ndt George Bush.) And I found no difference between what was thought, word, action of one who was then the head of this imperial power and what I heard this morning. Change presidents in the U.S. and maybe come here with the best of intentions, thinking that what they're doing is for the good of humanity, but fail to realize that they are only instruments of yet another empire, another empire among the many that have been imposed on our planet.
forget however that the life of empires is ephemeral in relation to time. Born, full of pride and arrogance, they start directing things as they were gods, deciding who is good and what is bad. They decide how they deliver care, which is nothing if not the historical debt that they have towards our people. And do not realize that they are simply playing into the hands of the empire and its policies.
It is therefore not surprising that we find today the same speech and also the same circumstances of oppression, violence, terror, suffering humanity. Humanity threatened more than 18 years ago from the tyranny of global imperialist capitalism.
There is now an international economic order, but who decides? A minority of dictators who impose their interests and which are the same ones who enslaved the African people, our indigenous and native peoples of the United States.
This morning, when the House was beginning, I listened carefully to the words of the second speaker (ndt George Bush.) And I found no difference between what was thought, word, action of one who was then the head of this imperial power and what I heard this morning. Change presidents in the U.S. and maybe come here with the best of intentions, thinking that what they're doing is for the good of humanity, but fail to realize that they are only instruments of yet another empire, another empire among the many that have been imposed on our planet.
forget however that the life of empires is ephemeral in relation to time. Born, full of pride and arrogance, they start directing things as they were gods, deciding who is good and what is bad. They decide how they deliver care, which is nothing if not the historical debt that they have towards our people. And do not realize that they are simply playing into the hands of the empire and its policies.
It is therefore not surprising that we find today the same speech and also the same circumstances of oppression, violence, terror, suffering humanity. Humanity threatened more than 18 years ago from the tyranny of global imperialist capitalism.
There is now an international economic order, but who decides? A minority of dictators who impose their interests and which are the same ones who enslaved the African people, our indigenous and native peoples of the United States.
I then arrived immigrants from Europe, without any right to destroy peace and to move people as masters of what does not belong to them.
They stole these people their rights, their culture and interests are required and cultures of the colonizers. It 's so was born what is now presented as the most exemplary democracy in the world, when it is a tyranny, the dictatorship's largest and most impressive to have existed in human history, tyranny North American empire.
And if you do not believe, let's see what we talked about the President (Bush ) this morning, with a total lack of respect for Cuba while it does represent a system that tried to assassinate the President of Cuba , our dear brother Fidel Castro, whom we honor it has been overwhelmingly supportive with his principles in the fight for humanity.
They (the States United ), who are committed to maintaining the economic blockade against Cuba, but rather for reasons of state and economic interest have seen fit to disregard their so-called "democratic principles" and continue to maintain economic relations with countries with which, in theory, there are ideological differences. Capital unites them, and then disappear ideological differences.
They stole these people their rights, their culture and interests are required and cultures of the colonizers. It 's so was born what is now presented as the most exemplary democracy in the world, when it is a tyranny, the dictatorship's largest and most impressive to have existed in human history, tyranny North American empire.
And if you do not believe, let's see what we talked about the President (Bush ) this morning, with a total lack of respect for Cuba while it does represent a system that tried to assassinate the President of Cuba , our dear brother Fidel Castro, whom we honor it has been overwhelmingly supportive with his principles in the fight for humanity.
They (the States United ), who are committed to maintaining the economic blockade against Cuba, but rather for reasons of state and economic interest have seen fit to disregard their so-called "democratic principles" and continue to maintain economic relations with countries with which, in theory, there are ideological differences. Capital unites them, and then disappear ideological differences.
With that authority comes ( Bush) to question Iran's right, the right to use North Korea's development of atomic energy for peaceful purposes? And even if it were a military order, with what authority and prevents them right if ( United States) were the only ones who historically have dropped atomic bombs on defenseless populations, as in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? They have also already decided that Iran is developing atomic energy for peaceful purposes does not. Who gave them the right to decide? If they are given alone and require the General Assembly! Because the House is nothing but a reflection of this reality that lives around the world, where a minority of capitalist and imperialist, must today, global capitalism and establish an order to exploit, oppress, impoverish, enslave, cause against Apartheid Latin American and African immigrants in Europe. Why global capitalism is only one, with a head and with its tentacles everywhere.
With that authority, therefore, they do this, if it is the country with the most nuclear weapons on the planet? With what authority do other nations that have nuclear weapons and are here trying to call into question the right of other nations to the peaceful development of atomic energy?
This is certainly not the best path for humanity, because the road would be best for the nuclear weapons disappear.
With that authority, therefore, they do this, if it is the country with the most nuclear weapons on the planet? With what authority do other nations that have nuclear weapons and are here trying to call into question the right of other nations to the peaceful development of atomic energy?
This is certainly not the best path for humanity, because the road would be best for the nuclear weapons disappear.
If the United States, where the presidents of this country, (and I do not want to customize the behavior of the empire to a president only because the empire is the empire regardless of whether the President is Democrat or Republican) wanted demonstrate that they are truly convinced of the need to end the threat of the use of atomic energy for military purposes, they should be the first to take the first step to begin a policy of nuclear disarmament and that it will add all the other countries .
Then you will have the moral authority to say that no people in the world should invest in nuclear development for military purposes.
18 years ago, from this same place, I talked about the issue of Palestine, the Palestinian people soaked in blood, with a neighboring nation (Israel ) that has nuclear weapons, engaged in what has historically been the territory of Palestinian people.
They also spoke of the people of Puerto Rico, this nation fought for its independence and is still doing it today, while the U.S. continues to express its neo-colonialist policy. Combine the most advanced forms of domination and modern forms of domination with the oldest, such as military bases in Guantanamo.
There was talk of an arms race and the situation is the same. There was talk of war and today we find ourselves in a worse situation, with this brutal war, imposed by the economic interests and petroleum empire. He thought
( Bush) that would be easy to occupy Iraq and Afghanistan and has met with resistance of these peoples. A war begun with a campaign of lies, because it was not true that Iraq had the ability to manufacture nuclear weapons.
They also spoke of the people of Puerto Rico, this nation fought for its independence and is still doing it today, while the U.S. continues to express its neo-colonialist policy. Combine the most advanced forms of domination and modern forms of domination with the oldest, such as military bases in Guantanamo.
There was talk of an arms race and the situation is the same. There was talk of war and today we find ourselves in a worse situation, with this brutal war, imposed by the economic interests and petroleum empire. He thought
( Bush) that would be easy to occupy Iraq and Afghanistan and has met with resistance of these peoples. A war begun with a campaign of lies, because it was not true that Iraq had the ability to manufacture nuclear weapons.
How can I conclude? That after 18 years, the enemy remains the same, it is called global imperialist capitalism, and this situation will change only the peoples.
The populations that are able to obtain their release did not make it through the good will of the empire, but through the struggle, the blood poured out.
The populations that are able to obtain their release did not make it through the good will of the empire, but through the struggle, the blood poured out.
The people who shed blood in South Africa to gain independence. How many years of disgrace, suffering, slavery, apartheid in South Africa. In the same way we go throughout the African continent and meet other people who have achieved freedom, despite the modern colonialists tried to keep old and new forms of occupation and domination.
are our people who must continue the battle and have to do with the unity of our peoples, those of Latin America, Central, Caribeños, drive around dawn. And that indiscriminate actions such as the one launched against Venezuela, when they tried to make a coup to a democratically elected president, trying to repeat the story of Salvador Allende, the history of Chile
At that time the UN did not intervened and even said it was a shame that was happening in Venezuela, because it was attacking a government elected democratically. The empire, however, immediately recognized the authors of the coup and was the Venezuelan people to rise up to put in place which had elected the President.
are our people who must continue the battle and have to do with the unity of our peoples, those of Latin America, Central, Caribeños, drive around dawn. And that indiscriminate actions such as the one launched against Venezuela, when they tried to make a coup to a democratically elected president, trying to repeat the story of Salvador Allende, the history of Chile
At that time the UN did not intervened and even said it was a shame that was happening in Venezuela, because it was attacking a government elected democratically. The empire, however, immediately recognized the authors of the coup and was the Venezuelan people to rise up to put in place which had elected the President.
are the people who decide their fate!
do not doubt that the representatives of the countries of global capitalism and imperialism come here with the best intentions, but some still do not realize that their proposals welfarist insult us! What to do
are multinationals in developing countries? They say they are helping, but what is the manager who comes to help? If it comes to does invest for maximum profits and not invest in the country, but to take them away, because our countries are seen as insecure, that we are victims of the plunder!
If we compare the wealth that the capitalist countries and take away the profits that ottengonono with their big companies, their major global capitalism, with what Latin American immigrants send from the U.S. or from Europe to Asia and Africa as their families, it is clear that this is a real misery. Work hard, do jobs that no local wants to do more and receive starvation wages. So who's doing the favor?
United States are not doing any favors to these Latin American migrants and also arrive with their businesses to earn and to take advantage of cheap labor and the conditions imposed by TLC.
are multinationals in developing countries? They say they are helping, but what is the manager who comes to help? If it comes to does invest for maximum profits and not invest in the country, but to take them away, because our countries are seen as insecure, that we are victims of the plunder!
If we compare the wealth that the capitalist countries and take away the profits that ottengonono with their big companies, their major global capitalism, with what Latin American immigrants send from the U.S. or from Europe to Asia and Africa as their families, it is clear that this is a real misery. Work hard, do jobs that no local wants to do more and receive starvation wages. So who's doing the favor?
United States are not doing any favors to these Latin American migrants and also arrive with their businesses to earn and to take advantage of cheap labor and the conditions imposed by TLC.
Free trade is proof that human beings, societies, nations, to see who is the strongest and who is called for. The law of the jungle, of free trade.
What we need in the world is fair trade and you have to change the concepts of free markets and free trade agreement, taking place at the Fair Trade Fair and the International Market.
not reducing the subsidies that will solve the problems, since the differences between countries are still too big and do not serve the crumbs, but profound changes, radicals, leading to democratization. Only by changing the policies of those who, being a minority, continue to be the masters of the world's wealth, the atomic bomb, by imposing their policies, even within this Assembly, passing over to the UN Security Council, imposing their laws and lack of respect for humanity.
Only by changing these policies within these countries and governments will have a just world. Everyone is talking about this fair world, but we know that between saying and doing ...
... We ask you to convey to your people the conviction, the certainty that today more than ever the conditions are for the unity of the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean. There is a growing unity among African peoples, must increase the unity of Asians, but free from global capitalism.
not reducing the subsidies that will solve the problems, since the differences between countries are still too big and do not serve the crumbs, but profound changes, radicals, leading to democratization. Only by changing the policies of those who, being a minority, continue to be the masters of the world's wealth, the atomic bomb, by imposing their policies, even within this Assembly, passing over to the UN Security Council, imposing their laws and lack of respect for humanity.
Only by changing these policies within these countries and governments will have a just world. Everyone is talking about this fair world, but we know that between saying and doing ...
... We ask you to convey to your people the conviction, the certainty that today more than ever the conditions are for the unity of the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean. There is a growing unity among African peoples, must increase the unity of Asians, but free from global capitalism.
We need to build a major unit in Africa, Asia and Latin America, walking with the same force and effect, with the same principles that continue to stay alive, the principles of those who fought in Africa, Lumumba, of Seku Ture. The principles of those who fought in Latin America, the United States and Europe. The principles of this
Latin America of Bolívar, Martí, Sandino, Tupac Amaru.
Latin America of Bolívar, Martí, Sandino, Tupac Amaru.
I have the certainty and faith in God as well as people, despite the repression, destruction, did not give up nor sold, more than ever, the people will stand up proudly, firmly and with dignity and do not give up or sell in front of globalized capitalist empire. "