The United Nations: a ridiculous and exclusive representative institution in the hands of imperialist powers
image from the site of the United Nations, with the message of hackerNEW YORK - Hackers have managed to enter the official website of the United Nations and to include a message of protest against the Israeli and U.S. policy in the Middle East. " This is a cyberprotesta against Israel and the U.S.: do not kill children and other civilians. Peace forever, no war, "the text reads, red, posted by Internet users who are signed Kerem 125, MOsted and GSY the section devoted to statements by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon. On the page devoted to the head of the Glass Palace (at www.un.org/sg/), hackers have removed the text of the "Last speech" Ban added and three text messages with the same. The messages also appear on other websites that usually carry statements from the Secretary-General, and attacks occurred in the past at other sites suggest that at least one of the hackers is of Turkish nationality. The message of the hacker is also visible in the section devoted to a spokesman for the Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, where the text is repeated three times, in large letters in black next to the photo of Ban Ki-Moon.
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