Radiohead surely one of the most important rock groups of the past 15 years, with no record (as if it were not ronaldino team), decided to "sell" his new album on the Internet by deciding the price to the buyer / fan ...
The site ' Inrainbows.com ' travels slow. Too many downloads now, obviously. After all, is the first day you can download 'In Rainbows' with free offer.
After a few minutes of waiting, you open the main page. It is to click on the 'ENTER', and you get to another page that asks if you want to pre-order the download version or discobox. For now, we opt for the download, because the 'discobox' would come only after December 3. And to wait that long is too difficult.
A white window allows you to enter your bid for the purchase in sterling. Made two quick calculations, we lean to put quite a '3 'in the window. Are about 5 euro, buying the LP in the shops we never did get all this money to Radiohead. We would have spent twenty, but most would be lost in intermediate steps (retailer, record label, distributor, etc.)..
completed registration, paid with a credit card, rechargeable, comes in our e-mail the link to proceed to the download, which lasts about ten minutes that seem endless. But the new Radiohead album is here now, there is the icon on your desktop.
You just un-zipped. We put it on your MP3 player, and then we do a good audio cd with Nero, why listen to a stereo is another thing. The sound quality is excellent. The first track, '15 Step ', makes us understand just what stuff is done. And waiting for an opinion more careful and comprehensive, this is the song by song description that gives' Nme.com ':
'15 Step'
"now an integral part of the latest steps of the live, the opening track has heavy rhythms, drum beat and syncopated handclaps and is minimal and sparse, with the suffering of sliding guitar Jonny Greenwood, now his trademark, the plaintiff throughout the piece. The text is puzzling: "You used to be alright / What happened ? / Etcetera, etcetera / Facts for whatever / 15 steps / Then a sheer drop. "
"played live for the first time in 2006, this title has been mentioned several times in the post that the band wrote on his blog along the months that precede the LP. A little 'more akin to the guitar sound of the origins of Radiohead, this song has an addictive rhythm and, inside, a solid blues guitar. "
' Nude '
" Written more than 10 years ago,' Nude 'was always considered a classic' forgotten '. The song, which was once called 'Big Ideas (Do not Get Any)', has never appeared on previous albums because the band could not agree on the approach to be in the studio. The song opens with a strong orchestral cut, onto which the vocals of Thom Yorke. It 's a bit slow ethereal, supported by traditional drumming of Phil Selway, not much different from that of 'Pyramid Song'. "
'Weird Fishes / Arpeggi'
" This song was played for the first time by Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood in a special concert at the Royal Festival Hall in London in 2005. Since then the band has always revived on tour. It 'pretty quiet and relaxed but with a very basic rhythm' dancey '. Thom Yorke sings of the fear of being eaten by worms and weird fishes (the 'Weird Fishes' in the title). "
'All I Need'
" debuted live in June last year. Supported by special effects achieved with the cello melody and shaped by a button e, is a sort of love song in half. The lyrics read: "I'm a cloud of moths / Who just wants to share your light / I'm just an insect / Trying to get out of the night", "You only stick with me / Because there are no others" .
'Faust Arp'
"Never played live to date, although the title of the fee was mentioned in blog posts. Changing and orchestral but at the same time catchy and sleek, is lined with an acoustic guitar-style Radiohead, who refers a lot to 'Paranoid Android'. "
Other orchestral numbers significantly, this song dates back to sessions prior to 'Hail To The Thief' and is has also been played live before the album came out earlier. Thom Yorke's voice seems to be a choir. One of the favorite pieces from the fans, who have relied on various forums the presence of the piece on the disc, which initially was not to be included. "
'House Of Cards'
" debuted in 2005, played only by Thom on guitar acoustics. A song minimal, reggae-ata and lighter than many orchestral moments of 'In Rainbows'. The touch of guitar is pretty happy. "
'Jigsaw Falling Into Place'
" previously known under the title of 'Open Pick', made its debut live tour in 2006. A English-style guitar intro gives way to an enthralling loops of acoustic guitar and drums, and then a guitar riff ever stronger. "
" That which has been talked about more of the new canozoni. Played live for the first time in 2006, is minimal and sparse, built around dark guitar Thom. Battery and effects come round later in the piece, but beyond all remains an elegant and tender. Another song considered by fans as a highlight. "
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