try to imitate him a little, not only of buy T-shirts with his face printed on
December 14, 1964
From the city of New York program "Face of the Nation send spontaneous and direct interview with Ernesto Che Guevara, Minister of Industry Commander Guevara Cuba will be interviewed by CBS correspondent at the United Nations, Richard C. Hottelet by Tadd Szulc, the editorial staff of New York "New York Times and CBS correspondent Paul Niven.
Niven. Comandante Guevara In his speech to the General Assembly the day before yesterday, she accused the United States to help neighboring countries to prepare new aggression against Cuba In turn, we have frequently accused his government of promoting subversion in other countries of Latin Americans. Do you see any possibility of escape from this situation, a way to improve relations?
GUEVARA . I think there are solutions, and I think there is only one. We have repeatedly said the U.S. government that we do not want anything else, just that they forget us, do not be concerned with us, either good or bad.
Niven. Commander Guevara, we have other questions about Cuba's relations with this country and the communist countries, and on the internal situation in Cuba itself. Comandante Che Guevara, you said a moment ago that we Americans just like us to forget the Cuban His speech the other day suggests that she can not forget about us: she sees us as a government hostile to ninety miles. How can we hope that we will forget?
GUEVARA . I I did not say that I hope that you have forgotten us. She asked me a solution and I told her what is the solution at present. Is it possible or not is another question.
Szulc . Mr. Guevara, on several recent occasions the Prime Minister Fidel Castro has suggested in interviews with journalists on a visit to Cuba and on other occasions, you have to do a new effort to normalize relations between Cuba and the United States, particularly in the field of commerce and trade. As an economist, she personally believes it would be helpful or beneficial to Cuba re-establish relations of this nature? In other words, the normalization would like to see these reports?
GUEVARA . Not as an economist, because I have never seen an economist, but an official of the Cuban government, as a Cuban I think any good harmony of relations with the United States would be very good for us from the economic point of view than in any other field , so that our entire industry was built by the United States and the raw materials and spare parts that we manufacture with great difficulty, or import from other areas may come directly. There is also sugar, for which we have traditionally had the North American market, which is also close.
Szulc . Captain, if my memory is faithful, in 1960. She has given several speeches, notably one in March 1960, in which he said that continuing to sell sugar to the United States to Cuba was a form of colonialism to which Cuba was submitted. He changed his opinion on this?
GUEVARA . Of course, because those were different conditions. We sell sugar specific conditions set by North American buyers, who in turn dominated the market and domestic production in Cuba now, if we sell sugar to the United States, the only one who would sell the Cuban government and all profits would be for our people .
HOTTELET . Dr. Guevara, Washington said there are two political conditions for the reestablishment of normal relations between the U.S. and Cuba: a, the abandonment of its military commitments with the Soviet Union, the other the abandonment of export policy Revolution in Latin America. Do you see any possibility of change in any of these points?
GUEVARA . Absolutely not. We do not put the United States any kind of condition. We do not want to change their system. We do not expect an end to the racial discrimination in the United States. We do not put any conditions for the restoration of relations, but also not accept conditions ...
HOTTELET . But my question is whether you accept these conditions imposed by the United States for the resumption of normal relations.
GUEVARA . We will not accept any terms from the United States will not accept any conditions imposed on us
the United States.
HOTTELET . But the question of the missiles Russia-Cuba and Cuban military relations with the Soviet Union, how can the U.S. be sure that Cuba does not represent a strategic threat again? Would accept a UN inspection or inspection of the Organization of American States on the spot?
GUEVARA . You mentioned the Organization of American States. Colombian delegate the day before yesterday spoke of the orbit of the OAS. It is in fact an orbit around the United States. An inspection by an inspection of such delegates would be made by the United States. She says that the U.S. does not feel safe and we are asking the United States, we can feel confident that there are missiles against Cuba? We can not, therefore, achieve a harmonic solution for the countries in the world are the same. We inspect all the bases, the bases of the U.S. atomic, and also inspect what we have in Cuba, and, if Optionally, cleared all the nuclear bases in Cuba and the United States and we will be in complete agreement on this.
Niven. Commander, you are actually trying to export its revolution? Send weapons every day to other Latin American countries? You are bringing in revolutionary Cuba from other countries trained and then return to their homeland?
GUEVARA . I also had the opportunity to repeat and I can categorically say that the meeting now: revolutions are not exported. Revolutions are created conditions of oppression that Latin American governments against the people exercise, and from there is the rebellion arise after the new Cuba is not we who create revolutions, is the imperialist system and its allies, internal allies, which creates revolutions.
Szulc . She was on all occasions, in my opinion, a clear and candid critic, yourself, of what happened in the Cuban economy. I read his speeches in the party criticized the political errors and errors of opinion. Now that you are coming in the seventh year of your revolution, analyze, for us, briefly, what has happened in the economy of your country? Do you think you begin to rejuvenate from the level where you were dropped? That prediction would be for 1965 compared to the economy? It will be the seventh year will necessarily be thin or not?
GUEVARA . A very difficult question, because you can respond in minutes. I was bombarded with questions of all kinds. I'll try to be very concise and to explain to the American people. We made many mistakes in the economic field, of course. I will not only critical, it is Fidel Castro has repeatedly criticized the mistakes we made, and explained why we have committed. We had no prior preparation. We erred in agriculture and industry. All these errors are now solved. In industry, we are concentrating our best effort in ensuring that the factories are working at maximum capacity and we are trying to replace equipment that are in poor condition due to lack of spare parts we can not buy in the United States sought to extend our industry is based on our raw materials resources, reduce our dependence on markets Foreign and dedicate our efforts in 1965 to the field of safety and hygiene of work to make our factories more comfortable for the worker because the worker you can really feel a complete man. We found the factories by the capitalist system, for which the most important issue was to produce, especially in Cuba not to say that U.S. factories - industrial ones - are places of exploitation in which the man is squeezed like an orange . I know that here the American worker enjoys many advantages, but those advantages in Cuba had not been obtained and the conditions were very bad, unhealthy. We dedicated our efforts to make life better, as long as the worker moves to the industrial site. This will be one of our major efforts during the next year.
HOTTELET . I'd like to go ...
Niven. We have other questions about the internal situation in Cuba
HOTTELET . Dr. Guevara, she protested the presence of the U.S. naval base of Guantanamo and the continuing reconnaissance flights U.S. on Cuba to take some measures against the military is based, is against the air?
GUEVARA . Well, the other day, the meeting I had to explain that we do not like to do stunts. We know the power of the United States. We say that the U.S. government wants us to pay a heavy price for this non-peaceful co-existence of which we enjoy today, and the price we are willing to pay only up to the frontiers of dignity, does not go beyond. If we were to put us to live in peace on their knees, they must first kill. If you do not want to get to this point, we will continue to live as best as possible that this is not peaceful coexistence with the United States currently in force.
Niven. What does this mean in terms of petty diplomacy, Commander?
What we propose to do?
GUEVARA . We reported in all assemblies in all the places where we had the opportunity to speak, the illegality of flights and the fact that there is a base against the will of the Cuban people have also reported the number of violations, provocations from that base, and we asked the non-aligned countries and the United Nations General Assembly to take measures to avoid this situation.
Niven. Commander, can I ask what percentage of the people of Cuba supported the revolution?
GUEVARA . Well ...
Niven. We have ten seconds.
GUEVARA . It is very difficult in ten seconds. At this time we do not have elections, but a large majority supports the government.
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