The control of information
The case of Venezuelan television "RCTV" has taken on global dimensions. Wherever you are talking of "closure" of the Venezuelan TV "RCTV". The reason for which they speak is due solely to the fact that there is half of the government of Hugo Chavez. Each year close to hundreds of television stations around the world because the competent local authorities decide to revoke or not renew the concession of the radio spectrum to transmit clearly in the best interests of the community or for reasons established by local law.
over one year there is Telesur, the television of South America, one of the few transnational television in the world, similar to CNN and Euro News Aljazira. Well in Venezuela, which is the headquarters of this TV, until a few months ago could only be transmitted via cable, a paid service and costosissmo, and costs at least $ 50 monthly to receive a package with a number of channels.
The lack of free frequencies require the Venezuelan state, major shareholder of this trans-national television, to broadcast only via cable. The problem has been solved parzialemnte specific areas of Venezuela, acquiring the use of frequencies allocated to other TV, especially when you buy the use of frequencies CMT, a major TV implicated in the coup of 2002. It was a legal transaction by which it is "closed" a television and open another. Nobody has had anything to say.
The frequency spectrum is an inalienable public good anywhere in the world. The State assigns frequencies through a concession contract, under which a certain number of years the frequencies in use are granted to an individual, which can be utilized to transmit according to the rules. That is, even in the presence of a concession, the assignee must still abide by TV standards, the immediate withdrawal penalty, in addition to possible fines and / or criminal penalties. In Italy we have witnessed in the eighties to the end, if only for a few hours, Berlusconi's television stations, by a court on the ground at that particular time Berlusconi was in violation of applicable laws. These situations are completely normal in any country.
At the end of the concession contract, the State may decide to renew the contract for granting the use of frequencies in the same actor or not renew the contract and allocate the use of those same frequencies to others or use them in person.
is exactly what happens in the world with inalienable goods, namely goods of overriding public interest which can not be transferred outright to private. The State for appropriate reasons, may decide that at some point these assets can be allocated and exploited by individuals, reserving the right to repossess the end of the contract or at any time, as appropriate, in accordance with the laws.
Nobody can interfere in the decisions of sovereign states and the same would happen again. Instead RCTV for mounting a case of global proportions. Almost anywhere you are talking about the Chavez government as a dictatorial government that represses freedom of the press, freedom of information, a government that closes one channel of the opposition! Far from it.
The legitimate government of Venezuela Hugo Chavez who chairs did not close any channels of the opposition; not shutting down RCTV. After expiry of the concession contract of frequency, exactly at midnight on May 27, 2007, decided in a legitimate and sovereign not to renew with the company that owns the TV channel "RCTV". Behind this decision, there are important reasons, the best interests of the community which is entitled to a public television service, as happens in Italy and in all civilized countries. Venezuela is evident in the imbalance of the television service, practically in favor of the private sector. Indeed when Hugo Chavez is elettopraticamente there is a public service. The only public television "Venezolana de Television (VTV), practically invisible to most of the Venezuelan people, was being dismantled and privatized.
there were and are, however large, national private channels in the hands of a few families, among other things related to one of their own and at the same time as other means of dissemination (print, radio, cable TV and telephony ). A concentration that in Italy, for example, would not be permitted. A concentration of the media that has emerged clearly during the years of harsh opposition to the Chavez government, between 2001 and 2004.
writer, in Venezuela for more than five years, has witnessed, even incredulous spectator to what was passing.
arrived in Venezuela in March 2002 and looking reality through the eyes of an Italian and especially on the basis of Italian laws remained in disbelief at the spectacle which attended every day.
Hugo Chavez arrives to the government by winning elections in December 1998. The first two years of government are devoted to major institutional reforms, supported by everyone, including the media and partly by the opposition. The new constitution, for example, was adopted by over 90% of the vote.
The problems come when the government of Hugo Chavez, on behalf of the people, decides to see clearly with the revenues arising from the use of the great resources that abound in Venezuela, not only oil but gas, iron, gold, bauxite and more. Remember
that Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserves in the world: over 300 billion barrels of oil. The oil industry was nationalized in the seventies and Venezuela being one of the main world producers of oil (currently produces 3 million barrels a day, but production on the basis of contracts is almost expected to double by 2012) obtained large amounts of money. Since the state enterprise was assumed that these significant resources flowing to the state.
When Hugo Chavez arrives to Government is a disastrous situation: Venezuela is producing so much oil, but the revenues are very few. Guilt is the international situation, with prices Oil is at historic lows of the internal situation, where PDVSA is almost at a loss and even speaks of its privatization.
Hugo Chavez is the author of rising prices and the rebirth of OPEC: its international tours in the early years of government, his views of the main leaders of the OPEC countries and the international situation (the enormous development of the capitalist countries and China, which always require more energy and the invasions of North America) cause a rise in prices.
Internally begins restructuring which will remove the final half of the Venezuelan oligarchic families from the management of oil. In essence, until 2003, although PDVSA a state company was run by an "aristocracy" to patronage and in the interests not only of themselves but also to foreign powers (USA).
PDVSA, the Venezuelan oil industry, until 2003 was a state within a state and operated as a private company. The level of management autonomy was so high that you can define yourself to the oil policy of the state, indeed the interests of the state was minor compared to yours.
When the Chavez government, faced with the need for 75% of the population living in absolute poverty begins to undermine this fact, appear to conflict with the oligarchy, who control the media can to manipulate and influence a large proportion of the population.
Since December 2001, Venezuela's private TV stations to stop doing TV play as opposition to the government. They become a real political party. In fact they stop their normal programming made up of information and entertainment with movies, shows and various programs to devote 24 hours a day in an ongoing anti-government propaganda.
In Venezuela, the entry on the political scene of Chavez had swept away all hitherto existing political parties. Literally, the political opposition melts. He has no credit in public opinion in Venezuela. This role is taken just on television private, which concentrated in the hands of a few oligarchic families, practically become one big television channel. Obviously the power of television is likely to be able to handle a large proportion of the population, up to the point of being able to channel hundreds of thousands of people in the famous march of April 11, 2002. Viewers are turned into cannon fodder.
As amply demonstrated, the major private television channels in Venezuela are the protagonists of the coup of 2002, scheduled in Washington. Please read on "The Chavez Code" by Eva Golinger.
The script of the coup had been written according to the action of the television. For months, their role was to "poison" people, get in people's minds, with trasmisisoni specially packaged with the purpose of bringing people to a high hatred toward Chavez. When hatred reaches very high levels, the person almost loses control of herself and is capable of any act towards the person hated.
When hatred has reached the highest point, the 11 April 2002, these people who literally hated Chavez were concentrated in a march, allowed for a certain route and diverted illegally to the government palace.
The script written in Washington included the presence of snipers in the vicinity of Puente Llaguno. Snipers not only had to fire on demonstrators who supported Chavez them focused, but also the movement of the opposition to put the blame on Chavez. The script has been met in full. The private TV stations present at the site of the killing documented facts, showing only what suited him, who showed that some pro-Chavez fired and told to shoot at the opposition march. Televisions, makers of the coup, had rented for months the terraces of the buildings that offered the best view to resume the events. Why rent a balcony in close proximity to the Puente Llaguno, when it was least expected that he might something happen?
the complicity of the televisions in the coup is not only proven by documents and testimony, but there are the confessions of those players live. On the morning of April 12, 2002, in the certainty of gaining power, the various protagonists live confess how they were planned events.
The coup leaders, and television had planned every detail, undervalue, however, one element: the people. The Venezuelan people was not willing to put up a new dictatorship. The Venezuelan people came from 40 years of profound suppression of so-called democratic governments, which had taken the place of secular dictatorships. In essence, the Venezuelan people since the arrival of Christopher Columbus and the Europeans had not done anything but live in the dictatorship, repression and misery. In the three years of the Chavez government had become a dignity and a hope that he was willing to do anything not to return to the past. It was basically the spontaneous reaction of people to rescue the President Chavez and to defeat the coup.
The coup was also the awareness of many opponents: the opposition to Chavez has realized how he had been deceived, manipulated and supported Chavez. Born at this time, movements in support of Chavez in the middle class and middle-high "positive en Clase media" and "Empresarios por Chavez" to name a few.
The coup did not mean only 19 deaths on the day of travel (April 11, 2002), there are hundreds of deaths, victims of violent repression by the police at the service of the brief dictatorial government of Carmona. The number has remained unknown. The role
opponent of private television is still continued and resulted in a new coup attempt in December 2002.
One of the main charges against Chavez in the media world, of course handled by information the U.S. is that of being a dictator, he had centralized all powers. False. Far from it! In Venezuela there is a clear division between the traditional powers of a state legislative, executive and judicial. But it also reveals that one of these three powers, the judiciary is practically at the service of the oligarchy. This explains why the only way to source the presence of serious crimes, found and confessed, such as the preparation and consumption of coups, attacks at embassies, terrorist attacks, killings and assassinations of judges virtually no culprit ends up in jail.
The dynamics of the coup of 2002 is fully established, those responsible for the close of December 2002 are well known, the then State Governor delo Miranda, Enrique Mendoza, in addition to being a major player is best known for directing 's occupation and closure of TV State VTV. Imagine the president of the Lazio Region at the head of a group that is to occupy and close the RAI? Of course, I apologize to the president of the Lazio Region for that irreverent approach, but practically done in Venezuela, under the eyes of the cameras is exactly what happened: the Venezuelan equivalent of the President of Lazio Region, namely Enrique Mendoza, president of the Merida region, in which is based VTV, equivalent to our RAI, has literally direct employment of VTV. No judge, at least until now, found him guilty of some crime.
always under the eyes of the cameras was carried out siege of the Embassy of Cuba in Caracas, this time the siege, resulted in the isolation of the building material by cutting dell'eletricitá and water was directed, always under the eyes of the cameras from such Oscar Perez, Mayor of Baruta, municipality of residence of the embassy, \u200b\u200bthe Capriles Radoski that material through a scale can penetrate into the embassy and demand that it be delivered some ministers of the deposed Chavez government supposedly refugees within the same amabsciata.
No court has convicted them. No court has ever complained of the military architects of the coup, no court has ever convicted a number of media owners and journalists confessed to having participated in the organization the facts that led to the deposition of the temporary president of the Republic Hugo Chavez. The owner of one of the major private television, that is Globovision, as well as owner of banks and other large companies in Venezuela is one of the few domicialiari arrested, indicted as the mastermind of the murder of Judge Andreson, the judge who was investigating all made blacks more recent Venezuelan history and was blown up inside his car.
The other alleged mastermind of the murder is the director of the newspaper Nuevo Pais, Patricia Poleo, then fled to the U.S.. For the rest no one culprit.
The Supreme Court of Justice stated that This was not a coup and the military involved have not made any criminal act! It appears that Vice-Admiral Ramirez, a leading military involved in the coup is the author of Reading on television, on the day of the coup, on 11 April 2002, a statement in which it was announced that there were already in Caracas 'you're dead, and Chavez was responsible for it, so ignorant of the military authority of the President.
a confession from the CNN reporter, Neutchtel Otto, who was part of a television Trupa responsible for noting this famous statement, we know that the registration took place the morning of the coup, several hours before we were the first in Caracas dead and that the registration was in the house of a famous journalist, Napoleon Bravo, directly involved him and his television, Venevision, Venezuela's main TV in this coup. And 'one of the famous journalists confessed on the morning of April 12. No one is ever
then ended up in jail, a part owner of Globovision domicialiari arrests. To date, in practice, only two people complained, but neither is in jail. Carmona, the dictator when he was under house arrest, was taken away and reaching the Consulate of Colombia, the Colombian government obtained the status of political refugee and is therefore now free to conspire in Colombia. The other purpose that the arrests was Carlos Ortega, secretary of the CTV, which was the largest union of Venezuela. He managed to escape justice twice. The first time when he was arrested domicialiari, took refuge in the Embassy of Costa Rica and was granted political refugee status. He returned illegally in Venezuela, was arrested while playing poker in a famous Casino de Caracas. Incarcerated in a maximum security prison, was made shortly after escaping. Today he lives in Peru. About Carlos Ortega, in addition to the secretarial of the CTV, the equivalent of the CGIL is a businessman in the transport sector and his election as secretary was never recognized by the National Electoral Council called to preside over the regular internal elections of political parties and trade unions. Imagine a direct CGIL Montezemolo? Among the great mysteries of Venezuela there is the covenant union CTV - Fedecamara, the equivalent of Confindustria. They remained in the history of Venezuelan television newspapers daily reports of the duo Carlos Ortega, secretary of the CTV and Carlos Fernandez Fedecamara president. The power of television in this country is that everything happens or has happened under the eyes of the cameras, even a coup d'etat!
practically established the role of television in the various coups, it is difficult to understand why they continue to trsmettere. How come you have not closed? RCTV
not only is an accomplice in organizing the coup, but is guilty of other crimes has systematically violated the law regulating television broadcasts, such as broadcast programs reserved for adults at hours suitable for all audiences. Its programs, in the opinion of the writer, who obviously does not text, are of such a meanness that's not worth even consider it. The other day in one of the main programs "Video site", the sketch comedy program from which the authors had to stem the laughter, was built around a dwarf. The writer seems absurd that you can use a class of persons so unfortunate, that of the dwarfs, to build laughter.
Of course this does not close a television! In fact, RCTV has not been closed as they say around. Is simply terminated the contract he signed with the State to obtain the concession of frequencies. In fact, RCTV will not close, it just stops transmitting in clear and should be limited to transmitting cable. RCTV will continue to send!
remains a question to be clarified. As said earlier dozens, hundreds of TV stations lose their frequencies, ie the state does not renew the concession of the use of frequencies, but no one says anything. In this case instead of the whole world is talking about.
is not only the Chavez political project, which consists of a distribution of substantial wealth of Venezuela, which is rich in an equitable manner among all social classes, wealth, until the advent of Chavez oligarchies dominated classes and a small part of the population, not more than 20%. The draft Chavez is not opposed by most local capital, just think of the president of Banco Banesco. Chavez is leading for the first time in Venezuela as democracy, which was defined by Lenin the best housing capital and in fact many capitalists are doing business as anywhere and in any other country in the world. Try to speak ill of Chavez to the capitalists of the transport sector! The car sales in 2006 increased by 500% over the previous year in the first 4 months of 2007, sales have equaled sales for all of 2006! The construction of roads, highways, bridges, railways, subways, etc ... are doing a roaring trade do the capitalists around the world, including large Italian companies. To get an idea, here in less than 3 years from the end of 2003, when the State fails to appropriate full of PDVSA, was built a bridge that is the equivalent of the Bridge of Messina and is already 'begun the construction of a another bridge of the same size! In three years there has been the same miles of underground line that is attached to the whole of Italy (156 km) has started the construction of the national railway, which will reach 10 years As I said over 10,000 km, the daily production of oil will double over the next five years. It will not only to extract oil, but also to refine it, with the costruizione another large refinery. Is active in Venezuela's largest oil refinery in the world: El Palito, able to refine its own one million barrels a day. He will join 'one of equal proportions.
Chavez for opposing the socialist capitalism, but capitalism is not against Chavez. Who is behind the attacks on Chavez is precisely the oligarchy that controls the news media.
is well known, that globally,
5 (five) agencies have 96% of news . Virtually USA, European Union and Japan control 90% of the information world. Of the 300 most important companies in the world of information, well 144 are U.S., 80 EU and 49 in Japan. The Venezuelan oligarchy
precisely controls the media and the Venezuelan oligarchy and the same partner with Bush in Direct TV, one of the major broadcasting companies, cable TV in the Americas, the same Venezuelan oligarchy, which is called Zuloaga, Mezerani Cisneros and above, which together with the Mexican Carlos Slim is one of the richest men in Latin America and the world. It includes
easily because the non-renewal of a concession contract of frequency, the internal affairs of a sovereign state, in the case of RCTV has reached world opinion.
Although the first case, we know that will not be the only one, because the story will be repeated soon in Ecuador, where the situation is even worse than that of Venezuela. In Ecuador there is a concentration of 100% of the televisions in the hands of a few oligarchic families. There is no television pubbici.
Attilio Folliero